blooming in Style: the benefits of being a springtime baby


blooming in Style: the benefits of being a springtime baby

by | Feb 16, 2024 | Uncategorized

Did you know that there is something a little extra-special about babies born in the springtime? If your baby is due in the months of March, April and May, there are scientifically proven benefits to look forward to! Here are just a few.

Sunnier Dispositions: The sun can have a great effect on our moods. Lack of sunlight can make us feel tired, sluggish and even depressed. Luckily, springtime babies start out their lives being exposed to plenty of sunshine!

Scientists have found that babies born during springtime score highly on the hyperthymic scale. This means that they are most likely to become little optimists that have sunnier dispositions as they go throughout their lives. Studies have also found a possible decrease in risk for mental health disorders, and a strong ability to display leadership skills and creativity.

Seasonal Allergies: Runny noses, watery eyes, that tickle in the back of your throat and sneezing fits – it can make adults miserable. Nevertheless, our precious babies. But there is good news for our little ones!

Unlike their expectant Mamas, who might suffer from seasonal allergies, our baby’s chances of developing allergies within those first two years are very rare. They haven’t been in this world long enough to have been exposed to them yet. Therefore, it is less likely for our babies to have a negative reaction.

It generally takes about two seasons for them to start showing signs of an allergic reaction to all of that budding and blooming. That’s why it is more common that we tend to see springtime allergic reactions in children ages 3 and older.

It’s also less likely for them to develop respiratory issues. This is probably due to the exposure they are receiving because of the time of year they are born. Since their exposure to pollen and other allergens is high, their little bodies learn to cope early on.

Spring Fruits and Vegetables: For our older babies who have already started eating solid foods, spring is a wonderful time to add to their diets. Springtime yields a variety of vitamin-filled and nutrient-rich foods that our babies are sure to love!

There are also benefits to eating seasonally. The food is tastier, which is important when trying to introduce our babies to new solids. After all, we want to make a good first impression on their tiny taste buds.

Secondly, seasonal fruit and vegetables are of better quality. That matters since we want them to consume only the best. Talk to your pediatrician about which foods will be right for your adventurous eater!

Spring Fashion: What’s not to love? From soft and sweet pastels to bright and sunny solids, it’s time to color our baby’s world!

The weather is slowly growing warmer, which means we can transition to lighter sweaters and knitwear. Hats and beanies are still on trend and booties continue keeping tiny toes warm.

Baby animals adorn our rompers and play dresses, along with newborn ruffle-gowns that display cheery floral blooms! The sweetness of strawberries and blueberries cover our dreamy swaddle blankets. And let’s not forget prints of rainbows, butterflies and bumblebees!

It is such a magical time to come into the world! Is there any wonder why our springtime babies tend to have sunnier dispositions?
