Happy Mother’s Day 2024


Happy Mother’s Day 2024

by | May 7, 2024 | Uncategorized

Childhood is such a magical time and a large part of that is thanks to you – the mamas.  At Monkey + Moon, we want you to know that we see you, and the love you give to your littles.

Personally, this business is my love letter to my three adult children.  It is my truest honor being their mother. Watching them grow and become from birth to who they are now has been an incredible journey.  And I’ve had the privilege of sharing it all with my amazing husband by my side.

Now, we are growing and making room for the next generation of heart-stealers. If parenthood brought us so much joy, imagine how we feel watching our daughter with her son.  Our love for him goes beyond words.  And he is about to have a baby brother very soon!

My husband and I married when I was twenty and we had 3 children by the time I was twenty-eight.  We had an agreement when it came to parenting. If one of us worked outside of the home, the other would be there for our children.  It worked for our lifestyle.  It was equal, fair and we both had our turns.

Most of their lives, though, I was the stay-at-home and work-from-home mother by choice. So, when our youngest graduated from high school in 2022, I suddenly found myself at a crossroads.  What was I supposed to do now?  The small nest we had built together was about to empty out and that was my life’s work!

Ladies, it’s a strange sensation, let me just tell you!  We get so wrapped up in the day-to-day that we seriously lose track of time. And when the baby of the family is ready to spread their wings, it hits you like a train. I was lost.

I sat down one day with a cup of coffee and did a whole lot of reflecting and soul searching.  I’ll always be their mother and now, I’m a Gigi too.  But, I had to reinvent to a certain degree.  I’m still young, in my forties, with plenty of dreams in my pocket!  What could I still teach them?  How could I honor myself in the process?

That’s where the idea to create Monkey + Moon was born.  I took all the things that I enjoyed most in life and combined them into a business.  I wanted to show my children that you can become again and live your dreams no matter where you are. It’s never too early or too late!

Since they are my inspiration, along with our grand(s), I named the company and created its branding after them. I have winks of love towards my family sprinkled into everything I do.  I want to make them as proud of me as I am of them.  I want to leave them a legacy of love.

We are just getting started and opening on Mother’s Day, 2024, couldn’t be more fitting!  My goal is to have our own clothing designs with our brand on the labels in the near future. I want to smile when I see your littles in them. I want them to be comfortable and happy, so they can live out the magic and whimsy of childhood – only worrying about growing and learning.

I want to give back to our communities – something that brings me ultimate joy!  I want to see more healthy pregnancies (as a mother who has also experienced loss) and more healthy babies born into this world.

I want to continue to write stories and stretch the imaginations of your littlest people!  We have a book that will eventually be coming out.  I have so many exciting goals!

Most of all, I want you to know how important you are in your children’s lives.  The first two years are so precious.  It goes by quickly – both a blip and an eternity.  Enjoy every moment and soak it all in.  Trust me on this.  You will miss being sleep deprived, having your hair up in a messy bun and wearing athletic pants with spit-up stains on them.

Mothers wear so many hats in this world.  My unsolicited advice…never feel like you are lacking anything no matter your situation, no matter how you choose to parent. You are more than enough!  At the end of the day, it’s about how you made your child feel and what you can teach them at any age.

Spoiler alert:  motherhood isn’t perfect. There’s no such thing. It’s a messy job, literally and figuratively speaking!  There will be plenty of days when you don’t have all the answers, you get overwhelmed and tears are shed.  Is it worth it?  Absolutely!  Keep going!  The indescribable moments of joy and pride that will fill your hearts during the in-between push those days right on out!

And whatever you do, please don’t forget to take care of YOU!  Be kind to yourself. Take time out to nurture your body and spirit so you have the strength for everything else.  You are still the individual that you were before becoming a mother, too.

Know we are here with you. You have a community of mamas that will happily cheer you on!  Let’s build a strong tribe of supporters together!

Again, we see you and we honor you. Thank you for being a part of my love letter to my children and grands. More importantly, thank you for allowing me to be a part of yours!

Happy Mother’s Day!

